Not every budget or piece of artwork requires a custom frame…

For example:
You have 2 things to frame and $100.00 to spend The art was inexpensive and an inexpensive frame will do. Its going in a place (bathroom, garage, outside patio) that will limit its lifespan…

If you’re willing to organize a little and put in some time, you can use a readymade frame with success!!

1. MEASURE the artwork …Decide if the whole thing is to be framed (as in a poster), or if you only want the image to show with a mat (as in a photo that is not exactly 8”x 10” because it has a white border).

2. WRITE it down..Carry this with you when you go shopping so you can pick from the standard size readymade frames available.
Most ready made frames come with glass and a mat.
Some typical sizes:8”x10”, 81/2”x11” (common diploma/certificate size), 11” x 14”, 16” x 20”, 20” x 24”, 24” x 30” (common poster size).

3. CHOOSE a slightly bigger frame than your artwork. See if the mat provided will work with the opening you need. For example: an 8” x 10” photo will work well in an 11” x 14” frame.

4. Have a CUSTOM MAT cut to fit your art and frame, if the ready made mat does not work. For a few dollars more, everything looks balanced. Ready made frame + custom mat.

5. If you are FRAMING A SERIES of individual family photos, pick one color (black, natural wood tone, silver or gold) and then vary the design of each frame. You will have a group setting by having them all in the same color. The visual interest will be piqued by the variety of each frame design!

6. CHECK the store’s website for coupons or sales, before you shop. Aaron Brothers has gained fame for it s 2 for 1 sale and Michael’s Craft Store or Craft Essentials may have a sale going on!

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